Pretty Dress For OFB Retreat

This is my 2011 OFB Retreat Dress

For the last 8 (9?) years The Old Fashioned Baby has held  a summer Spiritual Sewing Retreat.

The sewing focus this year is mostly on construction.
The bodice has tucks and a center swiss insertion bordered with lace edging.

My friend and I interweave Bible Study throughout this  weekend with everyone following our schedule.   And we also sew on my project.

The bodice is lined.

The Spiritual focus of the Retreats is to have a closer relationship with God.  This year we will explore how we respond to God's Love, Compassion, Faithfulness and Mercy.

On the dress, we will stitch Swiss beading to the bodice and thread silk-satin ribbon through it.

Our scripture this year is:

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
Psalms 51:10

We will learn how to attach Entredeux edged Swiss Edging to the skirt hem.  And hand embroider Featherstitching  and old fashioned Bullion Roses.

And we will study God's Word. 

If you want information about this retreat email me at

  Retreat Date is June 24-26, 2011

This is my White Wednesday for this week.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister

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